As the preferred supplier of professional military and police equipment, all TASMANIAN TIGER products are made of the highest quality with premium functionality.
Comprehensive research and development comes from user-specific requirements, to deliver a product line of key essentials for anyone in the field.
From prototype to series production, every item is manufactured in our own production facilities to ensure consistent and reliable quality is maintained.
Every step in the production process, from purchasing materials to the final product has been precisely refined by independent test centres to meet and exceed international standards. Every product receives a final check before leaving production and is awarded a serial number to store in our database, for optimum accountability and tracing.
You can rely on TASMANIAN TIGER products – anywhere, any time.

The Tasmanian Tiger – also called Tasmanian Wolf or Thylacine – was the largest carnivorous marsupial on the Australian mainland and the outlying islands of Tasmania.
Roughly the size of a small wolf, the moniker “TASMANIAN TIGER” is due to the striped coat appearance which served as camouflage. The animal was a skilled predator – known for tenacity and perseverance – following up on prey at night, doggedly chasing an animal until exhaustion left it vulnerable enough to eliminate with ease.
Said to have been extinct on the Australian mainland since the 1930s; the last species lived on the island of Tasmania. In 1966, a sanctuary was opened to provide the Thylacine with a retreat to preserve the species, but ultimately this was unsuccessful with the TASMANIAN TIGER declared extinct in 1982.
Despite this, many believe the TASMANIAN TIGER has survived and evaded sighting using their grit, strength, intelligence, superior camouflage, and wily cunning.
It is these attributes of courage and resolve that prompted our name, embodying the spirit of the TASMANIAN TIGER.
The legend lives on!